Unanimous approval for new local retail centre

Viking Park, aldi CGI. Supermarket and drive thru on a road

Cheshire East Council has approved plans for a new 2298 sqm local retail centre at Clowes Developments’ Viking Park in Congleton, following submission of a reserved matters application by Manchester based Asteer Planning.

Planning has been approved for a new Aldi foodstore together with a Drive Through Starbucks and a further retail unit which will be built on a speculative basis.

Acting on behalf of Clowes, Asteer has provided planning advice for the development, which forms part of the Congleton Business Park Expansion allocation as outlined in the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy.

The retail site is located to the east of Viking Way and forms the fourth phase of the wider Viking Park scheme which will also deliver 175 new homes, to be built by housebuilder Bloor, and in excess of 200,000 sq ft of employment space, which, together with the retail element, will provide an array of full and part time job opportunities.

Says Marc Freeman, Director at Clowes:

“We are delighted by the Council’s decision as it echoes the support for this scheme from the wider community and is another significant step in the wider masterplan which will make a real difference to the local economy and ambitions for Congleton. We are now at the implementation stage for the retail element and hope to start construction on site very shortly.”

Says Alice Routledge, Partner at Asteer Planning:

“This is exciting new stage at Viking Park which will make a real difference to the allocation, providing shopping and amenities for existing and future residents and investing in Congleton’s economy and employment providing approximately 60 full time equivalent jobs. We are looking forward to seeing the local centre take shape.”

The project team who advised on the plans includes:


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